Gluten-free pleasure

Date: 22 Oct 2024

Categories: Gastronomy | News

"We have put so much love and flavour into it that we have no room left for gluten."

This is the emotional motto of Helma Cakes, a company dedicated to making gluten-free cakes, formed by Helena and Marga, mother and daughter respectively, and which arose as a result of Marga's celiac disease and the frustration that it has meant for both of them, seeing that at every celebration, party, or snack over the years... Marga could not share the pleasure of having a good cake.

At Helma Cakes they have not only broken with this "injustice", but generous with their discovery, they share their culinary creations in the art of making cakes so that other people who are also affected by this disease can enjoy a good cake.

It is worth remembering that celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that damages the lining of the small intestine. This damage comes from a reaction to the ingestion of gluten. This is a substance found in wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats. And also in foods made with these ingredients.

The damaged intestine cannot fully absorb nutrients from food.

When we talk about celiac disease we are not talking about an intolerance such as lactose intolerance. We are talking about an autoimmune disease that arises due to a permanent intolerance to gluten.

-Between 1 and 2% of the Spanish population is celiac, which means that in our country there may be between 450,000 celiac sufferers and a maximum of 900,000 people, a not insignificant figure.

-It is a completely underdiagnosed disease. Between 80 and 85% of celiac patients are not diagnosed.

So now you know, Helma Cakes is the solution so that no adult or child is left without their share of the cake.

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