The technological era

Date: 27 Nov 2023

Categories: News

What can we say about it, wherever we look, technology is increasingly present in our lives and I would even dare to say, also beyond them. It's like one of the neighborhood.

Not long ago, with the emergence of the GPT Chat, we could almost say that we became friends.

Well, at DAPCOM Data Services they love it, and through it they provide software engineering solutions and data compression strategies, including their own implementations, both for general and specific cases and sectors.

They are specialists in the management and processing of large amounts of data.

This company was founded by eight researchers from the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) who worked together on the Gaia project, a space astrometry mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) at the Institute of Studies Space Agency of Catalonia (IEEC).

DAPCOM Data Services is also an alumnus of the ESA Business Incubation Center in Barcelona (2016).

In other words, DAPCOM Data Services takes care of what is neither seen nor palpable in technology. The part that escapes popular knowledge. The hidden part.

Do you want to take your company to the future? Contact them, they come from there.


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