Sheet metal and paint

Date: 25 Oct 2023

Categories: News

Do you need a bodywork and paint repair?

Well, not you, we mean your vehicle.

Well, EVIC CINC SERVEI is the workshop you are looking for.

Nowadays and, in many cases through no fault of our own, due to the fast pace of life that we all lead, it is extremely easy to accidentally scratch or dent the car.

Parking, leaving the garage, in the supermarket parking lot, some funny guy with a key, an accident, etc.

EVIC CINC SERVEI and its highly qualified staff carry out bodywork and paint repairs (and why not say it, sometimes a bit of magic) that return the car to its original beauty, the one it had when it was registered.

They also offer car cleaning, glass replacement and vehicle restoration services.

Oh yes, and they also have free replacement vehicles.

At EVIC CINC SERVEI they cannot prevent you from acting like a motorcycle in the event of any eventuality that alters the sheet metal and paint of your vehicle, but the speed and quality with which they "close" the wound can help you park the motorcycle to return to Enjoy your vehicle like the first day.

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