It's better to prevent than to cure

Date: 25 Jun 2024

Categories: News

Since its creation in January 2005ARS GEOTÈCNICA has been committed to addressing the needs arising from the rapid urban and infrastructure growth in our country.

They are dedicated to providing services for both new construction projects and the conservation of existing buildings and infrastructure.

During these 20 years of experience, they have expanded their presence beyond Catalonia, intervening in projects in various regions of Spain and neighboring countries, such as the Balearic Islands, Valencia, Aragon, Castilla and Madrid, in addition to expanding their international activity in places like Portugal and Tunisia.

At ARS GEOTÈCNICA, its philosophy focuses on providing services adapted to the specific needs of its clients, regardless of geographical location. They are committed to offering technical and professional solutions wherever they are required.

These are their services:


Drafting of projects for the prevention and/or mitigation of geological risks related to mass movements. They provide their clients with project management and drafting services for the stabilization of land with mass movement problems.


Management of Optional Work Directions for geological risk management work, excavation and/or stabilization of slopes, construction of dams and embankments, repair of pathologies in structures induced by the terrain...

They provide their clients with the Project Management service in slope stabilization work, protection against the fall of earth and rock blocks, excavation of slopes, construction of dams and embankments, repair of pathologies in structures induced by the terrain...


Geotechnical studies for urban planning and management projects, building projects, linear infrastructures, building pathologies induced by the terrain...

They serve their clients in their urban and construction management needs both at the level of projection of new infrastructures, buildings or urban planning and in the management of problems derived once built.

ARS GEOTÈCNICA ARS GEOTÈCNICA is the earthquake before the earthquake.

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