Better than good

Date: 27 Nov 2023

Categories: News

Things can be done, they can be done well or they can be done better.

Well, this last thing is what Qualitat Serveis Empresarials pursues.

Provide solutions to the management of organizations seeking continuous improvement and constant innovation, in order to achieve transformation in the activity of their client, through excellence, seeking triple sustainability: social satisfaction, environmental responsibility and economic viability.

Led by Joaquim Deulofeu partner-director. It consists of two service areas: CONSULTING and TRAINING.

They have a multidisciplinary team to face the new challenges of digitization. and they have a long history (30 years), in business organization and retail. 

In Qualitat Serveis Empresarials their values are very clear; Ethics, innovation, consistency and credibility.

They are aimed at SMEs, and large companies in the retail, industrial and service sectors, Universities, local and county administration.

Books, videos, webinars, articles, conferences, interviews...In Qualitat Serveis Empresarials, they have many ways to train or advise you.

And it's about growing, you can grow in many ways, but doing it at the right pace and in the right context is another song.

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