The strength of a passion

Date: 25 Oct 2023

Categories: Lifestyle | News

When your passion is, in turn, your hobby, the result is usually what Estética Anna Torrent: satisfaction (your own and others).

And 30 years goes a long way. To know about aesthetics and to know about people.

And precisely that is the differentiating factor of Estética Anna Torrent: the treatment of its clients.

Therefore, apart from being at the forefront of the latest developments and trends in the sector to always offer the best possible service, they also offer services such as advice from a dietitian, radiofrequency, pressure therapy, hair removal, facial treatments, body treatments, cosmetics, Manicure and pedicure, Onix by Novasonix, LED laser.

Logically, knowing your clients, tastes, preferences and predilections greatly facilitates the possibility of offering personalized support and advising with the confidence you deserve, on the best possible treatment in each case.

Also at Estética Anna Torrent, they have an interesting range of products ideal for giving or treating yourself, creams, treatments, solarium, bundles, makeup, essential oils...

Being, being or feeling handsome is very good, but feeling good about yourself is priceless.

Would you like to experience it? Well you know, Estética Anna Torrent.


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