Why is your puppy's diet so important?

Date: 14 Nov 2022

Categories: Lifestyle

In recent decades, the birth rate has plummeted, while the presence of pets in homes has not stopped growing. According to Fediaf, one in four homes in Spain have a dog as a pet.

It is evident that pets have now acquired a greater role in people's lives, and in turn, awareness of the importance of good nutrition, especially in the first stage of growth of the animal.

Just like human babies, a puppy goes through huge physical and behavioral changes. Nutrition tailored to their specific developmental needs in these early months can help them go from fragile puppies to strong healthy dogs.


The specific food needs of a puppy

Puppies grow rapidly and their digestive and immune systems develop slowly, which is why they have very specific nutritional needs that are different from those of adult dogs.

Feeding your puppy a nutritionally complete diet that is tailored to their specific needs is vital in aiding their development and laying the foundation for a healthy future. Next, we will provide you with more information extracted from the Royal Canin site, about nutrition at each stage of growth:


First month of life

At one month old, a puppy can gradually be weaned off its mother's milk and start eating solid food. At this stage, your body needs nutrients to build its natural defenses and promote the presence of beneficial bacteria in your delicate digestive system.

Two to four months

In this second stage of growth the focus is on supporting the development of your puppy's bone structure with carefully regulated amounts of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D.


Four to seven months

In this phase, the puppy begins to develop its body mass, so it is essential to eat a lot of high-quality protein that is easy to digest.


From 10 months of age to adulthood

As puppies approach adulthood, they continue to need extra nutritional support for their joints, especially in larger breeds, as their muscles develop and put pressure on their bone structure.

If you want to buy quality food for your pet, go to this link, and get premium quality balanced food with free shipping to your home.

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